Welcome to our CSGO Pro Settings and Gear List This is where we get our data from to give you our analysis on the most used gaming peripherals and gear and our competitive settings guideWe research everything we can find from settings like DPI &We sat down with several pro players in our latest CSGO Pros Answer video to talk about how to stay motivated whilst playing CSGO?R/GlobalOffensive is a home for the CounterStrike Global Offensive community and a hub for the discussion and sharing of content relevant to CSGO CounterStrike Global Offensive is a game created by Valve Corporation and released on August 21st, 12 as a successor to previous games in the series dating back to 1999

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Cs go player close to screen
Cs go player close to screen-De_dust2 #1 – lowest vs highest de_dust2 #2 – lowest vs highest de_nuke – lowest vs highest These are some general comparisons on de_mirage, de_inferno and de_dust2 between the lowest and highest possible video settings in CSGO It's prettyThe act of playing on a lower resolution isn't actually just for wanting a more horrible gaming experience, but actually to stretch the screen to allow targets ingame to look larger and thus easier to shoot, or to boost the FPS (frames per second

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We take a deeper dive into CSGO commands The console is a powerful tool in CounterStrike Global Offensive It's capable of basic things like changing a player's crosshair, but it can also do much more than thatFrom jump throw binds for smoke grenades to removing those distracting blood spatters and bullet holes, the console is a tool that good players need to know inside andWhy do pro CSGO players sit so close to monitor?Despite being legally blind and deaf, Loop has reached the Legendary Eagle rank in CounterStrike Global Offensive —a major feat for the average CSGO player At one point in his career, he was
We've got the LATEST and ALWAYS uptodate CSGO resolutions and settings We know what users want because we're users The site has a collection of all the best pro playersA dynamic crosshair in CSGO does correctly show the accuracy values in real time, unlike in previous iterations of the game I think most competitive players just doFrom regular practice routines in both life and CSGO to not relying on motivation and instead focusing on dedication, discipline and hard work It's safe to say that the CSGO Pros Answer series can sometimes focus on less serious subjects but
173 rowsUntil then you won't know what mouse fits you A 144hz monitor is a noticeable advantage over other players in CS GO, but if you are a new player 60 HZ are just fine Also look at the mousepads the pros are using in CS GO Most Pros use suprisingly big mousepads in CSGO If you are completely lost, start at 2 sensitivity and 400 dpiEDPI, sensitivity, and resolution to gear and hardware like monitors, mice, mousepads, and keyboardsHowever, in CSGO, the resolution is not the primary thing we're chasing after – it's the FPS As this is a really fastpaced game, you'll need a good framerate and if possible, a 144Hz monitor The refresh rate, Herz in monitor works generally the same way as it does on mice

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Can you let me know what sdl_displayindex is set to in your configcfg (in the game/csgo/cfg folder) This is not a public convar, but the value is written to/read from this file, and if changing it (if you have two monitors, the range of values is just 0 and 1) makes any difference to how the game boots up the multimonitor startup configuration should be handled the sameMany gaming monitors are at least 24 inches wide, which should be good enough for most desktop setups Those who prefer to have their screens a bit further away from them might get a gaming monitor that's at least 27 inches wide, which is pretty standard for CSGO players in the Pro scene What are the best CSGO monitor settings?Launch Commands With CSGO launch commands you can define with which settings Counstestrike needs to start Bot Commands With Bot commands for CSGO you can control the difficulty and behaviour of AI controlled players HUD Commands HUD commands allow to change the UI elements of CSGO ingame, like the

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How Close Do You Sit To Your Monitor Globaloffensive
5k hours Who has the most hours on CSGO?But those numbers are included in the CSGOSTATSNET ratio It gives a better view on how good you are comparing to all other legit playing CSGO players A short explanation If you have a ratio of exactly 1, you are the exact average player If your ratio is less then 1, you're worse If it's higher, you're better than average3 replies #31 SONIQQQ HLTVorg This is supposed to be the ideal working position for people that are working on the PC everyday, like in the office for example There are surly positions that are more comfortable or better for gaming but they are not necessarily healthier in the long run Through most people are not concerned about if

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ProSettingsnet is a resource for people who are interested in finding the best settings and gaming gear for competitive games We research the monitors, mice, and other gaming peripherals of professional eSports players and analyze them Finding the best monitor or mouse for games such as CSGO or Overwatch can be a difficult taskMost CounterStrike Global Offensive Playtime Ladder (Worldwide) #Find out what monitor hertz you are playing at Counter StrikeGlobal Offensive players playing with high refresh rate monitors (eg 100hz, 1hz, 144hz), will often find themselves want to know which monitor hertz they are playing on, or when troubleshooting

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Browse 110 professional CSGO players' crosshair settings → Find your favourite!The biggest and most comprehensive player database of CSGO stats in the world!In game settings for CSGO 18He will probably change settings and gear often so leave a comment if

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S1mple shows his new most recent benq monitor settings &Hey guys, im a global elite in counter strike i recently bought the new Asus Rog Swift PG278Q monitor, 800euro i used to have a 24 inch monitor with 60hz and i played in native resolution, thats how i like to play cs (19x1080) But now that i have the new monitor set, i wanted to play with the native resolution and it is a lot (2560x1440p) no pro players that i know use itMouse Settings Crosshair Settings Notable Players This table collectively displays all sets of mouse settings included on player pages The gray, blue and red backgrounds indicate a retired, inactive and banned player, respectively

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All credit to this best csgo settings guide goes to Steam user and CSGO player samiz1337, he put in a ton of effort into making this and helping the CSGO player base all achieve better gameplayLooks like they are touching almost and doesn't look healthy for the eyes Better visibility, the closer they are, the more they see How many hours of CS go to get good?CounterStrike Global Offensive if u have to move ur head ur monitor is to close to your face i guess #9 fnGOD @ 812am Personal preference I like mind reasonably close but I can't play with the screen as close as some of the Pro players have theirs Keep positioning it closer an find out how close is too close

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The CounterStrike franchise is years old and throughout its history, there have been legendary players with the skills and knowledge to reach the top tier of competitive play Global Offensive released in 12 and in the last seven years has seen many challengers for 'best CSGO player of all time' emergeCSGO Pro Setting Players (337 players) We have gathered the CSGO Setups (21) of 337 professional players from 77 best teams worlwide Сurrent sensitivity, crosshair, mouse settings, keyboards, resolutions and video settings and other hardwareThis type of positioning was discovered by tournament players who loved to have monitors really close This is mainly because the monitor was so close to the edge of the desk and there was no space for anything else so they were forced to push the keyboard on the side Simply because of the limited space for each player in the tournament desk

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With as many computer products as Dell produces, it is surprising that their offering of good CSGO monitors is fairly limited Even so, they do have at least one good offering for CSGO players in the form of their highend Gaming S2716DG This Dell monitor uses a "QuadHD" (or QHD) displayWhat are the CSGO Console Command Categories?How close is your face to the monitor when to play csgo Its like arm length away for me if I slouch forward But I'v noticed some players esp in the pro scene have their monitor so close to their faces like their trying to find Waldo

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Many people in general have monitors too close, or lean too close, or have an unhealthy posture in general It boils down either to poor form, or poor chair/table configuration None of these have anything to deal with CSGO or any other particular gameFind your CSGO stats and rank Check your rank in CSGO and see the detailed profile overview based on your ingame competitive stats and find similarly skilled friends near you We provide a global, a country and a regional ranking system Also, statistics such as kills/deaths ratio, win percentage, played time, headshots percentage, yourMy CSGO Course of 50 videos (35 hours of content) now for ONLY $10 with this linkhttps//wwwudemycom/course/counterstrikeglobaloffensiveplaylikea

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Improve your support play in CounterStrike Global Offensive There is an ongoing debate whether players should be assigned roles in CounterStrike Global Offensive Some argue that there are noIf you're looking for the Best csgo settings and optimization guide, Samiz1337 has complied a complete guide in increasing your FPS and performance!CSGO Player Count – Explained 19 CounterStrike Global Offensive is often called the most popular competitive online shooter or the king of online tactical shooters However, that has to be based on something other than simple sentiment In this post, we will look at one of the most important data for any game – player count

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Knowing this rate will help you as you change graphical settings both ingame and on your PC Squeezing out as much as you can out of your PC and monitor are exercises every great CSGO player goes through We hope this guide has helped you understand how to show FPS in CSGO, and how FPS works on the wholeClick the "Servers" button in the game's menu A massive list of all the available maps will appear The amount of information may feel a little confusing at first, but each server contains a different game set up by other players Read the information on the map name, number of players, and password needed, then select a map you wish to joinThe way that most CSGO pros sit is right up against their desk with the monitor brought as far forward as possible They put the mouse beneath the monitor and use it with their right hand The left hand and keyboard are almost always on a lower level or even resting on the player's

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We want to show you the differences between 43, 1610 and 169 and also explain why so many professional players stick to 43 or play with "stretched resolutions" 43 vs 1610 vs 169 CSGO is the first CounterStrike version, which doesn't lockA collection of pro player crosshairs Welcome to CSGOCrosshairscom If you've an interest in new or alternative crosshairs, this is the place for you!There is a simple console command for that, just type "cl_showfps 1" in your console You can also see your FPS on the net graph, type "net_graph 1" in the console to activate it There is also a command for max fps, type "fps_max 300" to set your FPS maximum at 300 However, CSGO won't show more than 60 FPS by default

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Use The Best CSGO Settings To Gain An Advantage Over Other Players Any CSGO players performance is impacted by specific settings that they have set for the game Below we will cover 25 settings you should check and/or adjust for the best possible outcome and performance ingame to get the biggest advantage over your opponents 25A guide to the best mouse, screen and video settings for CSGO Gameplay guides by email protected, Our CSGO best settings page covers the best mouse DPI and sensitivity settings, as well as screen resolutions, aspect ratios and optimal video settings to get the best performance possibleTo close the console, players can press ESC or click on the X in the topright corner The console also features an autocomplete function Players can type the first letters of a console command and hit TAB to access the dropdown menu CSGO's most useful commands CSGO's most useful commands are also the most simple

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Roughly 80% of professional CSGO scene players use this monitor or some older variations of this model, like BENQ XL 2540 The first thing you need to look for in a monitor is a clear and slick image and consistent FPS BENQ XL 2546, a flatmonitor with fast illumination up to 240Hz and a 1ms time delay will do just that It has a large flat79 rowsAlso, pick up for themselves the correct mouse that is comfortable for your hand, because there are many different variations 144hz monitor has a significant advantage compared to other monitors, but if you are a novice player, you is fine and the monitor at 60Hz Also note mouse pads, which use about players CS GO Most professional playersWe've currently gathered a total of 110 professional CSGO players' crosshair settings from 22

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Enter your CSGO Options menu and go to Game Settings, then click "enable developer console" This will allow you to enter a number of commands in the game console (that we'll specify below) to tweak settings Enable the developer console in game settings 23 Turn on Nvidia Freestyle to see betterBest CSGO Settings – Video Resolution Launch CSGO, and navigate to Options, and then Video settings Like with most other settings changes we are going to mention in this article, there is not a unanimous opinion about what is the best resolution Yes, most pro players choose lower resolutions, with a 43 ratio, such as 1280×960 or 1024×

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